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writing log & space

random free-flowing, unstructured & unfiltered writing on anything and everything that does not belong in the blog - a safe place where I can let the mind wander, be curious and question and explore ideas without constraints. a place for me to spit out all my thoughts, raw-uncensored, no restrictions and unbound to be revisited, reviewed, digest, refine, improve and grow. a space for exploration to clear the mind, heart & soul - for letting thoughts run wild, embracing the mess & chaos that precedes clarity - striving to be better through taking action, making mistakes, understanding to learn, process, develope & grow

somethings you might find me writing about & not limited to: podcasts, philosophical ponderings, creative explorations, ideas-products, business, experiences, personal and introspective reflections, awareness, human conditions, existence, commentaries and my thoughts on podcasts, writings, articles, the world around us, events, cultures, hypothetical scenarios, observations

ps and gentle reminder: all i know is that i know nothing at all

pss: i suck at writing, so do more of it. to develop my own voice, put thoughts into words with clarity


Steve Jobs: Stanford '05 Commencement Speech