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What a time to be alive

Open-source, coding, programming, machine-learning, large-language-models, technology - what a time to be alive.

So many opportunities, so much tech, so many options.

To be able to create a Local RAG Agent via Python + Streamlit + Embedchain + Groq (Llama3) and insert specific data is wild. From PDFs to docs, to website & documentation. I'm absolutely amazed and stunned at what I'm learning, and I've barely scratched the surface.

Excited to continue learning & improving through iterations with a growth mindset - to create and build something that provides value (whether improving efficiency, increasing output, reducing friction, etc.). To do so, I must hone the foundational skills, the technicalities and understanding necessary from 0 to 0.01.

Lucky to be here with all my limbs in tack & having the basic necessities (internet, laptop, a home).

Thankful & genuinely appreciate for all the people out there providing the free resources to learn, create and build.

Everything else is on me - my drive, my hunger, and my desire.