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my little corner of the interweb

hola, bonjour, hello

Personal project btw


it's hella messy & ugly rn

cumback periodically for updates or holla via socials (none atm btw)


I am a generalist, and forever a student (truth-seeker, curious/questioning), constantly evolving (growing, learning/understanding, unlearning/relearning) with mindful-awareness, humility, empathy and integrity forward (and towards) progression - to provide insights & value through my experiences (mistakes made & yet to be made); in-the-hopes of/ideally leaving a net positive impact (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, whatever it may be). I can't guide you, but maybe-just maybe, I can give you the stepping-stones (sense of direction), the piece(s) of the puzzle that may help-supplement/complement, or the little speck of light in the darkness to push you forward to finding your true (meaningful, fulfilling) calling of the soul (psyche)

  • Age - 69
  • Born-Location - East Coast, USA
  • Current-Location - West Coast, USA
  • Interest(s) - technology, health, improvement-growth-mindset, creating/building, travel, life
  • Company - funemployed aka unemployed
  • Knowledge - nada
  • Entertainment - music (live), anime, shows/movies (interesting-to-me), reading & learning
  • Elementary-School - somewhere
  • Middle-School - somewhere overthere
  • High-School - drop out
  • General Educational Development (GED) - 2014
  • Community College - BHCC 2016
  • University - UMA 2018
  • Major-Studies - BBA in Accounting

experiences & work-history

  • Staff Accountant @ Travel Industry (Vacation Rentals, Experiences & Cruises): 2019 - 2023